Get heard, with love.

Music promotion made easy.

Boo Promo is a digital marketing agency, providing playlisting and music promotion on different platforms, such as Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud, Instagram and more.

Reach your audience.

We love music promotion, with targeted campaigns, ads, email marketing and playlists, we reach your audience, the same people that share your interests and love your music.

Music Promotion

The Process


Choose a plan

It's up to you. We offer social and music promotion packages for Playsting, Promotion, Engagement and many other services. Choose the plan that suits you best.


Target Analysis

Your account manager will evaluate the music/social profile, do some digging and will find the perfect audience for you, based on the preferences you set.



We'll start the campaign within 24 to 48 hours of receiving payment, you'll start to see results in your analytics dashboards as the campaign grows.


Evaluate results

Campaigns won't stop until we get the results. After the campaign is over, we'll comb through the data and give you our suggestions for future action.

Social & Music Promotion


Our team specializes in Spotify music promotion using playlists, email lists, and Ads to help you reach as many targeted listeners as possible!


For Instagram promotion, our team will leverage exclusive giveaway groups as well as our auto-engagement system to boost your content on hashtags and follower’s feeds to grow your account.


Our YouTube campaigns are run almost entirely using Google Ads. We developed a system to maximize engagement and minimize cost per click meaning you get the best quality video campaigns at the lowest price. 


Music promotion on SoundCloud allows you to put your music in front of SoundCloud’s enormous community to help you get more exposure for your music and drive more interactions with your listeners.


Our team specializes in Tik Tok campaigns using Tik Tok Ads and email lists. TikTok For Business is where you can unleash your artist/brand’s creative side. A fully immersive world where there’s an audience for every voice.


SEO services to improve your website’s Google rankings, increase organic traffic and domain authority. White hat quality backlinks to your site using a combination of link sources, blog articles, profile links, social media mentions. 

Our Playlists


Fast and reliable music promotion company, they provided a great playlist promotion service, reaching 12k streams of my song!


We used Spotify playlisting and Instagram promo for our band, we'd never expected results so quickly and in target.


Thank you Kevin! Your advices matched with the music promotion, my followers and streams grew in less than a month!


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